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It is important to calibrate your cameras and optics before using them for measurements.

Using the program without correct calibrations will result in incorrect measurements.


The optics editor is an advanced tool to configure the optics of a microscope.



The optics editor


The optics components of a microscope can be configured by parameters like depth-of-field, field-curvature and preferred exposure time.

Colors are used to indicate the status of a component.

Green will indicate that everything looks good - for an objective this indicates that the a calibration is done.

Yellow indicates medium-good. - for an objective this indicates that a calibration was not done, but interpolation from another calibration is used.

Red indicated not-good - for an objective this indicates that no calibration is done.


Grey indicates unknown or unused state. In the above screen shot the grey "Modus 6ZS-3D" and "AB6000" are associated with another camera than the currently used Invenio 6EIII (#26659).

Switching to the camera used for these microscopes will show another view:

