Capture Image Using the Snapshot Mode

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Capture Image Using the Snapshot Mode

DeltaPix CCD cameras offer snapshot capability. This means that exposure and gain snapshot settings different from the preview settings can be used.

This is very useful e.g. for acquiring fluorescence images with long exposure. It is possible to have a relative quick - but lower quality - preview frame rate by setting the gain high and enabling binning.

Activate the snapshot window from the menu Settings.


It is recommended to use the Use Snapshot Gain option.


If the acquired images suffer from pixel hotspots, these can be gracefully handled by the Auto Fix Hotspots option.




The snapshot function makes it easy to acquire an image as in the preview, but in maximum quality, low gain (for low noise), and no binning (for high resolution).


The recommended way to use DeltaPix CCD or EXMOR cameras for fluorescence applications is listed below:

Increase the live preview gain to a high value.

If the image is not bright enough yet, select binning x2.

In the snapshot settings menu, set the gain to 2.5 – 3.5

This makes it possible to both have a live image with high frame rate, and to capture snapshots with long exposure time (up to several seconds) and low noise at the same time.



Note: Snapshot mode is only available for CCD and EXMOR cameras. This is the default acquisition mode.