Template tags

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Template tags

Tags can be inserted in the Excel template document to define the layout of the report.


Valid tags are:


%IMGS% defines the upper-left corner of image.

%IMGE% defines the lower-right corner of image.

%MEAS% defines column for measurement results.

%UNIT% defines column for measurement units.

%DATE% defines date.

%TIME% defines time.

%CAMERAMODEL% defines camera model.

%PICTUREDPI% defines the image DPI.

%COL% makes a color marker in the color of the annotations text color.


%AREA% will insert the area for the object

%AREA_UNIT% will insert the area unit for the object

%M1% will insert the M1 for the object

%FERRET1% will insert the Feret minimum distance for the object

%FERRET1_UNIT% will insert the Feret minimum distance for the object

%FERRET2% will insert the Feret maximum distance for the object

%FERRET2_UNIT% will insert the Feret maximum unit for the object

%PHASEPCT% will insert the area percentage for the object

%PHASECOL% will colorize the cell with the actual phase color.

%PHASEIDX% will insert phase index for the object, i.e. which phase it belongs to.

%ANG% will insert minimum inertia angle of the object. For compact objects, this of course is unpredictable.

%ANG_UNIT% will insert angle unit of the object.

%DIAM% will insert the diameter of circle with same area as object.

%DIAM_UNIT% will insert the diameter unit



%WINUSER% will insert the Windows Users name

%OBJ% will insert the Objective magnification

%GAIN% will insert the Camera Gain

%EXP% will insert the Camera Exposure



Note: Password protection

%PROTECT% - To enable the use of open and modify passwords, this tag must appear somewhere in the template.